Thursday, October 23, 2008

Zazen Meditation

During the 1990's I lived in a city in the north east of the UK called Newcastle upon Tyne. During that time I got to know of a Zen Buddhist centre called Throssel Hole Abbey. Although I never spent that much time there due to being more involved in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, I always had a nice feeling about the place. On their website they have an e-book by their Abbot entitled 'Sitting Buddha' (click on the 'Sitting Buddha' icon on the Throssel homepage) which is a very nice introduction to the practice of 'zazen' or sitting meditation. I have always considered the Zen tradition of meditation a good foundation for overall meditation practice because it is so simple and essential. This is a good text for getting to know and starting to integrate zazen into your own meditation and daily life...

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