Thursday, July 2, 2009

The 'Ok, thats enough' meditation.

We live in an age of information, and it seems like these is a never ending list of things to do and new information that we could be digesting. So, having all sorts of information at one's disposal is a gift and a blessing, but it can become a curse in the sense that I think many of us have become addicted just to processing information, and made the mistake of thinking that we can solve all our problems simply by consuming more information and doing more things.

The 'Ok, that's enough!'meditation is simply setting aside 5-10 minutes in your routine and saying 'Ok, that's enough information and doing, for the next 10 minutes I'm simply going to focus on being in the here and now, and I give myself full permission to take a break. No matter how many really 'important' things I have hanging over my head, the next few minutes I am going to totally take the pressure off, and catch up with my inner being'.
Having said this to yourself, just spend the remaining minutes being mindful of this decision, and really relaxing, and adopting an inner attitude of kind self-awareness. Check all of your mental impulses to get back onto the check list of things that need to be done, notice what is immediately around you. Appreciate whatever there is to appreciate within that moment.
You'll find that this creates a sense of awareness within you where all sorts of pleasant and positive feelings, experiences and thoughts can move up to the surface of your consciousness, and after a short period of time you'll be feeling relaxed, refreshed and have a new perspective on whatever is you are doing in your life, and whatever challenges it is giving rise to.

Try it, as always, most of the best things in life are simple and free!!

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